Monday, August 26, 2013

Cooper takes the plunge, literally

Before you get all "Oh great, here she goes again, posting some mundane thing her kid did.", remember: 1) 99% of what I post is some mundane thing my kid did and you're still reading (hehe) and 2) this is the kid who would panic at the beginning of the summer if so much as an eyelash got wet!

After a whole summer of intrigue over the diving board, the boy finally mustered up the courage to jump off (with some assistance)!  I am so proud of him and proud of myself for being able to give him that little push.

Cooper jumping off the diving board:

And here he is today, singing for the rain to go away so we could go to the such luck!

Happy back to school week! We start back on Thursday. If it's your little one's first time at school, check out this post from last year and know it gets better!


  1. oh my goodness his singing is the sweetest!!!!!

  2. YAYYYYY COOPER!! Your Aunt Ab is SO proud of you! Such a big boy!
