Thursday, March 7, 2013

Some notes from Mommyland

Mommy rant #1: The only thing that hurts worse than stepping on a Lego is stepping on a plastic animal. I have I particular disdain for the elephant and his pointy little trunk! Lately, Cooper has decided that his animals need to take a shower. He says "animals, you dirty!" and proceeds to take them in and out of the shower. While cute, someone always gets left behind, bah!

Mommy rant #2: We all know about my love of food dye, so it's safe to assume I can be a little "crunchy" from time to time! On that note, I would love to know...why are all kid's plates made of plastic?! I thought we were all out in the open about not microwaving plastic?! All was good when I could just plop things on Cooper's high chair tray straight from our normal plates, but, since he has graduated to the booster seat, the process of heating on one plate and serving on another has gotten a little old!

I went on the hunt for a solution to my crunchy, too many dirty dishes problem and found Brinware plates. They are glass with a protective silicone cover that is all safely heated! Warms my little hippie heart!


  1. Such a relatable post! And about the plates... So annoying! Zach just started using ours and sometimes we use paper plates for him and then recycle. But good find with the ones you found! May get them for mark!
