Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Crying like Sister

Have you ever seen anything funnier, cuter or more heartbreaking than Cooper in this video?!

Whenever Cooper is upset and crying, he tells us he is "crying wike sister".  I caught this video of him it the other day, he was upset his Dad had left for work. Usually his emotion of choice is either ecstatic or angry (he's his mother's son) so to catch him actually sad is a rarity!

I've got nothing else but cute pics to share tonight!

My little loves in bed before we read books. Kyle wanted to make sure he got photo cred. There you go, beb.

This is after Kyle let the ice cream truck stop serve as dinner!

I love Carrington but I really wish she would smile more! What a grump!

That's all for now... Is it really only Tuesday? Oy.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww!!!! Toopah just melted my heart and those smiles of Carrington's... I mean... how is Kyle ever going to tell her no to ANYTHING?
